Gardenship, in collaboration with Kearny Point and Hugo Neu Realty Management, presents a new exhibition series hosted in a new gallery space at the flagship building at Kearny Point - Building 78. Creating a new space for artists to exhibit and build community, Gardenship has invited a curated cohort of our Artists-In-Residence to exhibit. Our goal is to provide a space to empower our community of artists by creating a new venue to show work and foster discourse. As always we try to cast the widest net possible so we have asked each of the 5 selected Gardenship Artists-In-Residence to invite an artist they would like to exhibit along with from outside our organization as part of this exhibition. In the spirit of spontaneity, collaboration, and community building, this exhibition will create an enriching moment in the partnership between Gardenship and Kearny Point and bring attention to the incredibly important and growing arts communities in Hudson and Essex counties, which we sit squarely at the intersection of.